Capital Facilities A portion of the MHSA funds has been specifically set aside for Capital Facilities. The County must show use of these funds. Technology A portion of the MHSA funds has been…
Pre-doctoral psychology interns conduct supervised neurobehavioral assessments for consumers to determine diagnosis, prognosis and treatment planning. Assessment services include the following:…
401 S. Tustin Facility Diagrams Crisis Residential Center First Floor Crisis Residential Center Second Floor Wellness & Peer Support Center Educational & Training Center 3D Image,…
Factsheet Capital Facilities Project Proposal - Final: The Proposal was approved by the Department of Mental Health on March 12, 2009. See Archive section for related documents. Capital Facilities…
401 S. Tustin St. Facility
Mission Statement Provide correctional healthcare with respect, compassion and integrity through a culture of teamwork and accountability. Recruiting Now! Below are the current Correctional Health…
2013 Events & Trainings Orange County Immersion Training - next training date(s) will be posted here as they are announced Other upcoming events/trainings will be posted here as they…
The Capital Facilities and Technological Needs Component Proposal was approved by the Board of Supervisors on July 15, 2008 and sent to the California Department of Mental Health (DMH) on July 17th.…
Technology Factsheet Technology Needs Project Proposal for Electronic Health Record The 30-day public comment period ended on February 10, 2012 Executive Summary Needs…
Clinical Services is responsible for monitoring the incidence of reportable communicable diseases in the community; preventing communicable diseases and promoting disease prevention; and…