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Showing: 901 - 910 of 4639 results

Orange County Immunization Coalition

Immunization Registries – CAIR Immunization registries are confidential, computerized information systems, which enable providers to track and update the immunization records, assess which…

MSN Providers

Information contained or submitted on these pages will be confidential and used for MSN program updates only. Provider Alerts, Downloads and News Frequently Asked Questions Provider Registration…

Family Health Clinics in Santa Ana Vaccine Shot Information

The Division of Family Health promotes the health and well-being of all infants (babies), children, parents, and families in Orange County. Family Health includes the family health and dental clinics…

Foster Youth Services FYS

Matrix of Interagency Programs Program Profiles Program Name Foster Youth Services (FYS) Program Description: Purpose/Mission of Program Provide Orange…

Contact Us

For Clinic locations and appointments call: 1 (888) YOUR WIC or 1 (888) 968-7942 For more information call the Health Referral Line (800) 564-8448 TDD (phone for the hearing impaired) (800) 801-…

Gestational Diabetes Mellitus in Orange County

High BMI Doubles Risk of Gestational Diabetes Pregnant women in Orange County with a pre-pregnancy body mass index (BMI) of 25 or higher are twice as likely to develop…

Nutrition Information

Organizations Information Agricultural Marketing Services (AMS) Farmers Markets Provide information and resources about farmers markets American Dietetic Association…

Network Contractors

Network Contractors Within the Orange County Region Organization Type of Network Project Contact and Email County of Orange Health Care Agency Health Dept-…

Online Education

Participants that are unable to come to the WIC site and are offered the option to complete a nutrition class on-line at home, can visit  and follow the steps below.…


  The WIC program refers and coordinates with other programs for additional services that may benefit each WIC participant/applicant.  The WIC program provides each participant/applicant…