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The Health Care Agency’s Health Emergency Management Program serves to coordinate medical health emergency management functions throughout Orange County. The County of Orange…
As healthy teeth are an important piece of overall health, part of the mission of the Child Health and Disability Prevention Program (CHDP) is to facilitate children obtaining regular dental care,…
The Procurement and Contract Services Division is a part of the Administrative Services team and responsible for developing, soliciting, negotiating, and administering human services contracts for…
The Orange County Board of Supervisors approved the application for the funding in June 2016, pledging to contribute local matching funds for a total of $23.5 million over five years from Mental…
About Us The Health Care Agency’s Health Disaster Management Division receives funding from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for a number of its programs. The County of…
Regulatory/Medical Health Services coordinates and oversees emergency medical services and prehospital care, employee health for all County of Orange employees, health disaster preparedness and…
Average life expectancy at birth is one of the most fundamental measures of the overall health of a community. With advances in medical care and efforts to improve public health, life expectancy in…
Provides public guardianship in Orange County as well as ensures organizational operations and outcomes align with the Agency’s mission, vision and goals through strategic planning, accurate research…