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Showing: 481 - 490 of 498 results

El Toro Library

Events and ProgramsPlease visit our branch calendar to learn about upcoming events at programs at the library. Resources and ServicesBook Clubs: Visit our branch calendar or email ocpl.eltoro@…

Fountain Valley Library

Events and ProgramsPlease visit our branch calendar to learn about upcoming events and programs at the library. Resources and ServicesAWE Stations: Two computers for children ages 2-8,…

Laguna Beach Library

Events and ProgramsPlease visit our branch calendar to learn about upcoming events and programs at the library. Resources and ServicesAWE Station: AWE stations are computers…

Laguna Woods Library

Events and ProgramsPlease visit our branch calendar to learn about upcoming events and programs at the library.Resources and ServicesBook Clubs:  Email ocpl.lagunawoods@occr.ocgov…

Laguna Niguel Library

Events and ProgramsPlease visit our branch calendar to learn about upcoming events and programs at the library. Resources and ServicesSpecial programs: Book club, Computer tutoring and tech…

La Habra Library

Events and ProgramsPlease visit our branch calendar to learn about upcoming events and programs at the library.   Resources and ServicesBook Club:  Email ocpl.lahabra@occr.ocgov.…

Harriett M Wieder Regional Park

Fees: No fees collected at this time. Harriett M. Wieder Park features a 4-acre developed park that includes restrooms, a 24-car parking lot, open turf area for picnicking, decomposed granite…

Garden Grove Chapman Library

Events and ProgramsPlease visit our branch calendar to learn about upcoming events and programs at the library. Resources and ServicesAWE Station: A computer for children ages 2-8, equipped with…

Library of the Canyons

Events and ProgramsPlease visit our branch calendar or learn about upcoming events and programs at the library below. Resources and ServicesAWE Station: A computer for children ages 2-…

Salt Creek Beach Park

Parking consists of pay and display parking $1/hour year-round. Or, an annual County beach parking card, available at the Sailing & Events Center 949-923-2215 in Dana Point Harbor.OC Beaches…