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Showing: 101 - 110 of 135 results

Karen Caswelch

Chief Executive OfficerbridgED manufacturing

Doug Mangione Youth Committee Chair

Business RepresentativeInternational Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW), Local Union 441

Steve Curiel One Stop Oversight Committee Chair

PrincipalHuntington Beach Adult School

Gloria Alvarado

Executive DirectorOrange County Labor Federation, AFL-CIO

Tod Sword Second Vice Chair

Economic Development ConsultantSouthern California Edison

Kathy Boyd

Executive Director, Educational ServicesOrange County Department of Education (OCDE)

Anna Lisa Lukes Chair

Chief Executive OfficerThe Lukes Network

George Boutros

Government Affairs ManagerOrange County Business Council (OCBC)

Bea FelixMicalizio

HR Business Partner, Human ResourcesProvidence Mission Hospital

Sherri HanLam

Regional DirectorCalifornia (CA) Department of Rehabilitation