(SANTA ANA) – John Wayne Airport (JWA) has announced the results of its most recent passenger survey, conducted in August of 2022. Historically a biannual assessment, the survey measures traveler preferences and satisfaction with their Airport experience. The survey was paused during the pandemic until travel returned to pre-pandemic levels.
The 2022 Passenger Survey results confirm John Wayne Airport continues to earn consistently high approval ratings from travelers, both visitors and residents alike. The findings include:
- Overall, 73% of onsite passengers rated JWA as 5 out of 5 (on a 5-point scale), a significant increase over the 2019 survey results. 94% of onsite passengers and 89% of residents surveyed online rated their experience at JWA a 4 or 5 out of 5.
- The demographic of respondents to the onsite passenger survey reflected an average age of 44 years and an average household income of $135,000. 68% of passengers are visitors and the average passenger had flown out of JWA four or more times in the past year.
- The predominant reason both visitors and residents chose JWA is its convenient location, with 76% of residents and 65% of passengers indicating proximity as their primary motivation. In comparison with 2019, there is an increase in passengers choosing JWA because it is less busy than other airports.
- Travel for pleasure/leisure has increased and is a larger proportion of travelers, consisting of 55% of the onsite passengers surveyed. Historically, business travel made up the majority of passengers responding to the survey. The 2022 results are reflective of changes in travel behavior as an outcome of the pandemic, with more businesses implementing remote work and leisure travelers excited to make up for lost time.
- All survey respondents consistently indicated high satisfaction with the convenience, cleanliness and security at JWA. Top drivers of overall satisfaction included being treated in a courteous and professional manner by Transportation Security Administration (TSA) along with experiencing strong customer service provided by everyone working at the Airport.
“Our 2022 passenger survey highlights the Airport’s commitment to deliver safe and convenient air travel and a superior guest experience travelers can rely on," said Charlene Reynolds, Airport Director. "We are grateful that Orange County residents and visitors have evaluated us so highly and look forward to maintaining our reputation for excellence.”
View the complete John Wayne Airport 2022 Passenger Survey.
John Wayne Airport (SNA) is owned by the County of Orange and is operated as a self-supporting enterprise that receives no general fund tax revenue. The Airport serves more than 10 million passengers annually and reaches more than 30 nonstop destinations in the United States, Canada and Mexico. More information can be found at www.ocair.com. Like us on facebook.com/johnwayneairport, or follow us on Twitter @johnwayneair and Instagram @johnwayneair.
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