Santa Ana, Calif. (January 24, 2025) – The County Service Center (CSC) proudly announced a significant milestone today, serving its 500,000th customer. This achievement highlights the County of Orange’s unwavering commitment to excellent customer service for the past five years since the CSC’s opening in 2019.
The CSC prioritizes the customer experience and promotes the “No Wrong Door” concept which ensures the customers receive appropriate public services, information, and/or resources seamlessly.
“At the core of the CSC’s ongoing mission is to serve as a gateway to all County of Orange services. Our celebration today focuses on our 500,000th customer and we are glad to commemorate this milestone and the excellent service our departments have delivered in the last five years,” said Chair Doug Chaffee, Fourth District.
Customers will encounter any of the three levels of services including onsite, offsite and online services. Onsite departments with service counters in the CSC include Clerk-Recorder, Treasurer-Tax Collector, OC Public Works and Information Desk. For offsite services, the CSC will work to complement the current infrastructure by acting as a referral agent for those departments outside of the CSC. Additionally, customers can access computers onsite to complete online services offered by the County.
The CSC consistently delivers efficient and high-quality services, as demonstrated by the following statistics:
- Average wait time: three minutes
- Average daily customers: 371
- Average service time: six minutes
- Average rating from customer surveys: 95%
“The CSC provides a centralized one-stop-shop for OC residents to receive any countywide service and referrals in one quick visit. 500,000 customers have used this resource, which modernizes and streamlines government services,” said Vice-Chair Katrina Foley, Fifth District.
For more information about the CSC and its departments, please visit their websites:
(Left to Right) Kevin Onuma, OC Public Works Director, Chair Doug Chaffee, Fourth District Supervisor, a family from Santa Ana, Hugh Nguyen, Clerk-Recorder, Vice Chair Katrina Foley, Fifth District Supervisors, Shari Freidenrich, Treasurer-Tax Collector, Kimberly Engelby, Chief Financial Officer, and Dylan Wright, OC community Resources Director.
The family of four from Santa Ana came in this afternoon for passport services and became the 500,000th customers at the County Service Center. They were presented a gift bag from Chair Doug Chaffee and Vice Chair Katrina Foley.